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COUNTDOWN TO RECITAL! Count on me for your design needs!

If you are a dance teacher, like me, you know the feeling when the recital seems just around the corner... costumes are coming in, music needs to be edited, choreography needs to flow (and often doesn't!). Around this time, I also design the graphics and ads for the recitals at the studio where I've taught for thirty years. I like creating the programs and tshirts, and backdrops too - coordinating them so each year has a strong theme of color and design that makes it stand out from the other years. Over the years I've picked up many clients.

If you would like a new look for your studio's concert or recital, or even a new logo - here's a link to my graphic design page - I would love to design for you as well!

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© 2016 by Kristine Izak


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